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Redding R.W. Nov. 2011.  Intergration of Data at the Workers’ Town, Giza, Egypt. Paper presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco


Redding, R.W. Oct 2011. Re-constructing Old Kingdom Economy and Social Structure.  Invited Paper at the Mit Rahina Field Program, Saqqara, Egypt


Redding, R.W. Jun 2011.  Giza and Kom el-Hisn.  Paper presented at the Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia; Working Group of

International Council of Archaeozoology, Brussels, Belgium


Redding, R.W. Jan 2011.  The AERA Field School Program in Egypt.   Paper presented at the American Institute of Archaeology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas


Redding, R.W. Dec 2010.  A Tale of Two Sites: Old Kingdom Subsistence Economy and the Infrastructure of Pyramid Construction. Invited lecture at the Coetsen Institute, UCLA, California


Redding R.W. Nov 2008.  The Workers’ Town at Giza, Egypt.  Invited paper at Clinton Valley Chapter of the Michigan Archaeological Society, Ann Arbor


Redding R.W. Sept. 2008. Excavations in the Barracks at the Workers’ Town, Giza, Egypt.  Paper presented at the International Council of Archaeozoology, International Council Meeting, Budapest, Hungary.


Redding. R.W. June 2004.  Complexity and the origins of domestication.  Invited lectures at the Santa Fe Institute summer complexity symposium, Chaingtao, China.


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